Randy Goulden, President of the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) joins Energy for a Secure Future Advisory Council

Energy for a Secure Future (ESF) is pleased to welcome Randy Goulden, President of the Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) as an advisory council member. 

Her longstanding work with SUMA and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM), including her position as Chair of the Western Economic Solutions Taskforce, will add to the ESF Council’s municipal expertise.  As Energy for a Secure Future works to develop thought leadership to ensure our domestic energy policies provide access to reliable, affordable and low emission energy, the expertise of Ms. Goulden and fellow Advisory Council members will be critical to getting thing right at the national and community level.   

“Across Canada, different municipalities face unique regional realities when it comes to energy, environment and economic opportunity. In Western Canada, our communities are closely connected to resource, agricultural and manufacturing sectors that depends on affordable, reliable energy to create jobs, support families and quality of life. I’m excited to work with other leaders around the Energy for a Secure Future table to build a way forward for Canada in which all communities can thrive.” 

See Randy Goulden’s full bio here