Energy for a Secure Future Welcomes New Advisory Council Members

Energy for a Secure Future is pleased to welcome four new members to our Advisory Council, whose expertise and insights will be invaluable to our ongoing work:

These leaders will join other council members in advancing Canada’s reflection on building a more secure energy future domestically and advancing our global role in energy security and emissions reduction.

His Worship Danny Breen is the Mayor of St-John’s Newfoundland and Labrador city that has long served as Canada’s Eastern energy hub, with offshore oil production being a critical local economic driver. Success in projects like LNG Newfoundland and Labrador has the potential to create a new, lower emissions energy product, offering a global solution for energy, affordability, and emissions reduction, particularly for Canada’s European allies.

Bernadine Coleman is an elected Councillor of the O’Chiese First Nation, located in Alberta. The O’Chiese Nation has been a leader in responsible development of their natural gas resources, contributing to the prosperity and self-determination of their Nation. Ms Coleman as a board director and representative of Council in a new development entity, O’Chiese Energy, will at the heart of the Nation’s work on resource development and economic reconciliation .

Martin Castro is the new President of Tenaris Canada, a company that is integral to Canada’s emerging liquefied natural gas industry by providing the steel needed for wells and other critical activities. Based in Sault-Ste-Marie Ontario, Tenaris is also a leader in emission reduction efforts among Ontario manufacturers, giving them an important vantage point on the close connection between domestic and international energy strategies.

His Worship Mike Bradley  is the Mayor of Sarnia, a city known for its prominent activity in manufacturing, chemistry, petrochemicals and refineries. Serving for eleven consecutive terms, his leadership of a community at the forefront of low-emission chemistry and manufacturing in Ontario, positions him to contribute valuable insights to the work of Energy for a Secure Future. Municipalities are on the front lines of ensuring that has Canada pursues its emissions reduction goals that energy remains affordable and reliable for people and businesses – enhancing quality of life and creating jobs and economic opportunity.

Energy for a Secure Future would like to express our gratitude to outgoing, inaugural advisory council members Annette Lonechild, outgoing Chief of White Bear First Nations, and Ricardo Prosperi, outgoing President of Tenaris Canada. Their support and contributions to Energy for a Secure Future are greatly appreciated.