Exploring the Potential of an Energy and Raw Materials Partnership between Germany and Canada

Energy for a Secure Future pursues its work through thought leadership, convening and international engagement. Recently, our Chair, Shannon Joseph, participated in an Energy and Raw Materials mission to Germany as part of this third stream of activity.

The Konrad-Adenauer Foundation hosted the event in Berlin on June 27, 2024, and was part of a broader tour bringing together Canadian and German experts in energy and raw materials to discuss opportunities for collaboration on a low-emission, secure, and affordable energy future.

Alongside, Heather Exner-Pirot, Director of Energy, Natural Resources and Environment program at Macdonald-Laurier Institute, Dan Wicklum, Chief Executive Officer at The Transition Accelerator, Patrick Chevalier, Director, Environmental Science – CanmetMINING at Natural Resources Canada, and Tom Hoefer, Senior Advisor at NWT & Nunavut Chamber of Mines, Shannon had the opportunity visit former and existing mining facilities and key sites of technical innovation throughout the region of Saxony-Anhalt. The group also took part in one-day roundtable on energy at the ITEL – Lithium Institute, in Halle, and learned about energy focused research from environmental, social and governance disclosure to the circular economy.  

A highlight included ESF’s participation on the panel “Potential of an Energy and Raw Materials Partnership between Germany and Canada”, as well as a meeting with representatives from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. These dialogues offered valuable perspectives on Germany’s evolving energy strategy, issues and approaches.

These conversations were a great opportunity to highlight ESF’s research, including  recent publications on LNG and domestic energy security, which remain important elements in Germany’s ongoing energy security, affordability and competitiveness efforts.

ESF thanks the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation Canada and the Deutsche Lithium Institute for facilitating such a productive exchange. Canada and Germany collaboration has great potential to foster a secure energy future for both countries.