Cedar LNG Receives Green Light: World’s Lowest Carbon, First Indigenous-Owned LNG Project

Energy for a Secure Future (ESF) extends heartfelt congratulations to the Haisla Nation and Pembina Pipeline Corporation on Cedar LNG receiving the positive Final Investment Decision on June 25, 2024.

This marks a historic moment for the energy industry and for reconciliation in Canada. Cedar LNG is the first majority Indigenous-owned LNG facility,  exporting some of the lowest emission LNG in the world.

Video credit: Haisla Nation

A Historic Partnership
Cedar LNG is a partnership between theHaisla Nation and Pembina Pipeline Corporation.  The Haisla Nation owns a 50.1% share, making Cedar LNG Canada’s first majority Indigenous-owned LNG facility.

Crystal Smith, Chief Councillor of the Haisla Nation and ESF Advisory Council Member, played a pivotal role in advancing Cedar LNG to FID. In Pembina’s official announcement she stated:

“Because of our Nation’s determination and environmental leadership, Cedar LNG will make the most significant mark on economic reconciliation ever in our country. With Cedar LNG, we have proven that Indigenous communities can successfully forge a path to economic independence and generational prosperity. We have created a model for how sustainable energy development should be done, with Indigenous Nations as owners, balancing environmental interests with global demand for cleaner energy.”

Photo credit: Haisla Nation 

Looking Ahead

Construction of the floating LNG facility is expected to begin soon, with an estimated completion date of late 2028.  Cedar LNG’s commitment to environmental responsibility and social stewardship, through indigenous reconciliation, positions the project as a leader in the LNG industry.

This is a momentous occasion for the Haisla Nation, Pembina Pipeline Corporation, British Columbia, Canada and the energy industry as a whole.

The entire Energy for a Secure Future community congratulates Crystal, the Haisla Nation and the team at Pembina for bringing Cedar LNG to this pivotal milestone!

Photo credit: Haisla Nation Cedar LNG rendering 1: Artist’s Rendering – View looking south from above Douglas Channel towards the proposed facility and docked LNG carrier

For more information on the Cedar LNG Project please visit https://www.cedarlng.com/about/